建筑带着浓浓的海洋气息,模仿豪华游艇细节,从全球少有的一湾三海绝佳地带驶入大海,面对东方的日出和黄昏的潮起潮落,建筑师让客人躺在酒店的床上,坐在大堂的酒廊里都能方便地欣赏到。100 米之上的空中无边际泳池和玻璃栈道,将会为年轻的恋人带来难忘的浪漫回忆和自拍名胜。

The architecture thaw out a strong ocean smell, and simulate the details of luxury yacht, standing in front of the beautiful bay with three seas, which is rare worldwide, like a yacht sliding into the sea. Facing the east sunrise and vibrating tide at sunset, the architect try to spoil the guest to view those wonders even lying on bed, or sitting in most of the dining seat in the hotel. The sky infinite pool and glass sky walk over 100m high will create romantic memories for young lovers come here and also numerous we chattopic pictures.

项目地点广东 惠州
