项目位于海南第一湾“清水湾”长达12 公里的曼妙原生态海岸线的东侧,由于项目用地的离海之间有20m高的防风林,酒店整体规划采用了“园虽别内外,得景则不拘远近”的设计手法,通过种植高度略低于防风林的景观树木,将内部景观向防风林缓慢过渡,形成层次丰富的森林景观,从而达到借景防风林的打造酒店园区内部私密的尊贵空间。
Project is located in hainan first bay "clear water bay" the shape of the original 12 kilometers coastline on the east side, as a result of the land from the sea has a 20 m high windbreaks, between hotel overall plan adopted "garden, though don't inside and outside, scene is informal near-far" design technique, through highly slightly below the windbreaks landscape trees, the internal landscape toward the windbreaks slow transition, the formation of rich layers of forest landscape, so as to borrow scene of windbreaks build hotel park internal private space