将一座阴暗的地下室正好利用人工照明和电影植景艺术,将顾客带人原汁原味的维多利亚时代的最负盛名的风情购物街:威尼斯PIAZZA,法国CHAMPS ELYSEES 及荷兰CANAL,而在过渡区又采用全新的灯光技术,仿佛不断在时空中穿越,彻底颠覆地下室的商业价值。
Will be a dark basement use artificial lighting and films in the plant landscape art, to bring customers who the original Victorian amorous feelings of the most famous shopping street: Venice PIAZZA, French CHAMPS ELYSEES and Dutch CANAL, and in the lights of the transition zone and adopt new technologies, as if in through time and space, and change the business value of the basement.