“画里江南、清风雅泉”以山、水、画、石、泉、来构建可行、可望、可游、可息、可居、可养的体验方式, 通过空中联廊、林中漫步、树上温泉、空中打卡、无边界泡池等景观, 层层递进、结合现有高差、营造“诗学进门观山水、入园赏景品雅泉”的情景感受!

With constant innovative services and experiences, this project aims to create a hot-spring center by integrating "food, tour, bubble, play, lodging and maintenance" for customers to gain both physical and mental health. The designers construct kind of walk-able, view-able, tour-able, rest-able, livable and healthcare-able experience mode with the elements of mountain, water, painting, stone and spring. A scene experience of "viewing the mountain and river with poetry and enjoying the scenery and elegant spring with appreciation” combined with the existing elevation difference is vividly created through different landscapes like walk-road in the forest, gallery in the sky, boundless bubble-pool, hot-spring in the tree, etc.

项目地点江苏 南京
